

Trying to lose weight? You may be doing it wrong.

By Kathryn Batty, Qualified Nutritionist, Flannerys Organic & Wholefood Market, Cronulla

When it comes to weight loss, the general principle is – eat less and exercise more. But instead of concentrating only on weight, exercise and different diets (which have a high fail rate), we also need to be conscious of how and when we are eating.

Here are my top tips to lose weight that are achievable in the short-term and sustainable for the long term:

12h overnight fasting:

Aim to have a 12h period between dinner and breakfast such as 7pm to 7am, this will encourage your body to tap into stored fat reserves overnight and it gives your digestive system a break.

Practice mindful eating:

Be fully present and aware of the food you eat and how it makes your body feel as you eat it. Instead of eating breakfast on the run or having dinner in front of the TV, enjoy your meal without distractions this will ensure your body registers when it is full and can prevent you from overeating.

Listen to your gut:

This means paying attention to your hunger cues, emotional state and any outside factors that may be driving your desire to eat. Only eat when you are physiologically hungry, rather than stressed, bored or upset. You want to satisfy your nutritional needs with appropriate portions at the times your body wants them, and then address any emotional needs through other means.

Stay hydrated:

Sometimes we can confuse hunger with dehydration so ensure you have adequate water intake throughout the day. This means when you experience hunger, its genuine hunger signals. Aim for 2.2 – 2.5L of fluids a day. This can include H2O, sparkling water, kombucha or herbal teas.

Prioritise protein:

Protein plays a major role in appetite suppression as it triggers the release of several hormones that tells your brain you are full. It also helps build and maintain muscle mass, and as muscle is metabolically active, it burns more kJ even when you are resting.

Embrace cooking:

Cooking at home allows you to make healthier food swaps or adjustments, like adding extra vegetables or cutting back the butter in a recipe. Home-cooked meals generally have less sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fat, and fewer kJ than prepared foods or restaurant meals. By preparing your own meals at home, you develop lifelong skills and a connection to food.


English Tea House Slim Me Tea: helps elevate metabolic rate, increase fat oxidation and curbs hunger.

Lotus Royal White Quinoa – low GI, high fibre and protein for slow release energy – consume as a porridge, in a salad or baking.

Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar: stimulates digestion, balances blood sugar levels and assists in the breakdown of protein – 1tbsp with warm water before meals or in a salad dressing.

Powerstart Muesli: high protein, fibre and omega-3’s to keep you feeling full and sustained – consume as a cereal or trail mix.

MOJO Kombucha: low kJ, good alternative to soft drink and packed full of probiotics which improves gut health and nutrient absorption.

This article is for educational purposes only. Always seek health advice from your healthcare professional.




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