Healthy gut – healthy life
Digestive problems are one of the biggest questions we are asked at Flannerys. The reasons and symptoms of poor gut health are difficult to pinpoint, and everybody’s gut reacts differently.
Gut problems are hard to see on the inside of your body, but there are a number of signs that are visible on the outside to take note of. Unhealthy skin and hair, poor digestion and bathroom problems, irritability, cramping, bloating, gas, tiredness and more … sound familiar?
There are many natural foods that can assist in the production of good bacteria, and you can find them all in our stores. Check out some of these healthy options below:
Kefir – These fermented foods are packed full of healthy bacteria that can promote natural healing of our gut. A kefir is a fermented dairy beverage – like drinkable yoghurt. Be sure to avoid kefir with high sugar content – as sugar feeds the bad bacteria!
Sauerkraut – another type of fermented food ie. Cabbage – which promotes and introduces healthy bacteria into the gut and digestive tract. It is rich in probiotics that aid in healthy digestion – make sure you choose freshly made fermented foods, not canned. Or better yet – make your own sauerkraut! Find our home-made sauerkraut recipe here
Kimchi – This is a traditional Korean spicy fermented dish made from vegetables (similar to pickled vegetables) which is beneficial to both your digestive tract and immune system. Traditionally it was produced by leaving glass jars of vegetables to ferment underground for months at a time. Kimchi is rich in vitamins and healthy bacteria – which aids healthy digestion.
Kombucha – a black tea fermented drink. Packed full of healthy probiotic bacteria and antioxidants which coat your digestive tract. A nourishing tonic to boost your immune system and can be found in many flavours.
Bring balance and stability back to your gut area for optimal health and well-being. Your gut is linked with your state of mind – so be kind to it. Does your gut stress you out … or do you stress your gut out?
Other natural alternatives to stabilise your digestive system are:
Warm water and lemon – a natural detoxify and easy on your digestive system.
Exercise – great to get digestion and the colon moving!
Chew your food – make it easier on your stomach to digest your food. Small, frequent meals may be kinder to your gut.
Enjoy your food – eat whole-foods that will provide your body with the right fuel it needs. Limit and if possible omit, sugar and processed foods. Get plenty of hydration and drink water throughout the day.
De-stress – meditation, yoga, walking outdoors, physical exercise, rest and talking to others may help.
Probiotics – another word for good bacteria! They’ll help push out the nasties and sooth your gut. We have many supplements that our friendly naturopaths can help assist you with. As each person’s gut is different, sometimes you may need to try a few different things to find something that is right for you.
What’s the deal with bacteria?
Our bodies are full of both good and bad bacteria. Gut bacteria lines the stomach and intestines and they help you to digest your food. They help the body absorb foods, vitamins and minerals and also link in with our immune system. Good bacteria can help strengthen the immune system, whilst bad bacteria can cause inflammation and illness.
If you find your experiencing problems with your digestion, please ask to speak with a naturopath in store. We’re here to help, and can offer friendly advice on lifestyle changes that could benefit you. As well as stocking a range of supplements that can directly assist your digestive problems and help you get back on track with a healthy gut, we stock one of the largest ranges of wholefoods and fresh organic produce to help you on your way.
Disclaimer: The information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the services of a qualified health practitioner. Any application of the material in this text is at the readers discretion and sole responsibility. If you have a persistent condition or your symptoms are serve please consult a physician.
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