Brazil Nut Pesto
This delicious recipe has been provided to us by our #FlannerysFoodie BSKT. We recently sat down with Selasi Berdie, BSKT Director to get you all the insider info on everything BSKT – check out the interview HERE.
- 1 1/2 cups of Flannerys Own Organic Brazil Nuts
- 1/4 cup of water
- 2 large handfuls of arguala/rocket
- 1 handful of fresh basil leaves
- 2 juicy limes
- 2 TBS Flannerys Own Olive Oil
- Salt
- 1 TBS of nutritional yeast, optional
- Simply remove the basil leaves from their stalks and juice the lime. Then place all of the ingredients into a food processor and blend for a couple of minutes until the pesto forms.
- Perfect with your choice of pasta, used as a dip or as a condiment.