Stepping up for Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in childhood. It’s caused by damage to the developing brain either during pregnancy or shortly after birth – directly affecting a person’s movement and posture for life.
So why have we chosen to support Steptember?
For us – it’s personal, with one of our own team members now facing a lifetime of support from the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, after giving birth to their son Kai.
Welcoming their first son Kai into this world – it was far from a smooth entry and as a result a brain injury was caused at birth. Kai has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
Cerebral Palsy ranges from the inability to move a finger, to being bound to a wheelchair. It all stems from an injury or trauma to the brain from the time of birth. What this means for Kai is that he currently has some issues with movement on his left side which at this stage is isolated to his left arm. We’re hoping that’s as far as it goes but only time will tell. Kai has been very fortunate that he has been accepted into a new medical trial with The Cerebral Palsy Alliance of Australia who have been amazing and provide Kai with intensive physiotherapy and occupational therapy every week until he reaches 2 years of age.
Their help and guidance has been invaluable – so our team has decided to take part in Steptember. Committing to 10,000 steps per day for all 28 days in the month of September to raise vital funds for children and adults living with Cerebral Palsy. And to raise awareness for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance and the amazing support they give families like Kai’s.
Any amount you contribute would make a huge difference to help such an amazing organisation which is now very close to our hearts. It all goes towards supporting to children and adults living with cerebral palsy and of course encourage us to complete our 10,000 steps per day. No donation is too small!
How to donate:
- Next time you’re in store, ask the team about making a donation at the register.
And we’ll also provide you with a tax refund statement on your receipt.
- Jump online at steptember.org.au and donate!
You can donate directly OR find our team page and link up with our fundraising efforts with a goal to raise $20,000 this month. Simply search for our parent company The Natural Grocery Company
Thank you for your support.
It means the world to us, Kai and so many other families living with Cerebral Palsy.
With your support – we have now raised $11,484!
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