

Why do Some people feel the cold more than others?

By Jean Jarret, Naturopath, Flannerys Organic & Wholefood Marketplace

Many people assume it is the amount of body fat we have that determines how we react to the cold and while this can be a factor it is a little more complex than that. Body shape, size, age, gender and our general health influence how we react to the cold weather.

Women can feel the cold more then men as they have a lower skin temperature, they also have a lower set body temperature in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle, ie: before ovulation.

As we age our blood circulation decreases, we have a thinner layer of fat under our skin and our metabolic rate drops, as a result we feel the cold more, especially in our extremities.

Cold in your hands and feet, or sensitivity to the cold, can also be caused by iron or Vitamin B12 deficiency.  It is also a symptom of health issues including such insulin sensitivity, diabetes, an under active thyroid, Lupus and Raynaud’s disease.

If you dread the cold try these warming foods and activities to keep you warm and healthy this winter:

  • Eat seasonally, winter vegetable such as carrots, potatoes, garlic and onions. All exhibit warming qualities.
  • Add warming spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger, pepper, nutmeg, coriander, and cumin to your food and drinks. Try spiced turmeric latte or a ginger and cinnamon tea.
  • Eat more slow cooked foods such as curry, casserole and bone broth and less raw foods such as salads.
  • Get out into the fresh air and exercise to increase your basal metabolic rate and boost your immune system.
  • Plunge into a cold pool or take a cold shower to increase your body temperature quickly and boost your energy.
  • Take a break from the cold with a warming, relaxing and rejuvenating sauna.

At Flannerys we have a range of products that can help to boost your iron levels or vitamin B12 if you feel that you are deficient in this area. Come and speak with our qualified Naturopaths for all of your health and wellness advice.

This article is for educational purposes only. Always seek health advice from your healthcare professional.


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