

Protein is not just for ‘bulking’

If you love health and wellness as much as we do, you’ve probably dabbled in protein powders. Keeping us full for longer, maintaining and building muscle, and renewing cells are just a few of protein’s powerful functions in our body, so it’s important to ensure you’re getting enough in your diet.

Did you know? The body contains 9 essential amino acids, meaning our bodies can’t make them so must obtain them from food.

Protein can come from both animal and plant sources. Although there are plenty of nutritional benefits of animal protein powders, today we’re focusing on plant protein powders due to it being suitable for everyone including our vegan and vegetarian friends.

To help you decide which protein powder you want to stock up on next time you’re at your local Flannerys, we’ve provided a guide on which protein powder may suit you depending on your desired outcome. So first, plant protein – where does it come from?

Examples of plant sources of protein include:
  • Grains, e.g. brown rice
  • Gluten-free grains, e.g. quinoa
  • Legumes, e.g. lima beans
  • Nuts, e.g. almonds
  • Seeds, e.g. pumpkin seed
  • Vegetables e.g. peas
  • Soybean, e.g. tofu
  • Lentils
Plant protein powders are typically made from:
  • Brown rice
  • Peas
  • Quinoa
  • Chickpeas

Whether you’re aiming to build muscle, optimise your overall wellness or nourish your active lifestyle, we’ve set out a few plant protein powders that may suit your desired outcome…


Building muscle (not just ‘bulking’)

You’ll love: PRANA Power Plant Protein Original

Raw, organic, alkaline, gluten free, non-GMO

Plant protein: organic, raw, GMO-free golden pea protein, organic sprouted and fermented brown rice protein and organic sacha inchi protein.

Building muscle may have previously been stereotyped to men pumping weights and ‘bulking,’ but these days strong is the new sexy for women. Building and maintaining muscle mass is healthy for many reasons, including better joint support, bone health and body balance. Increasing protein intake when building muscle may help.


Overall wellness

You’ll love: Amazonia Raw Protein Isolate

Certified organic, vegan, non-GMO, gluten free, soy free, dairy free

Plant protein: sprouted and bio-fermented raw golden pea protein (70%) and sprouted and bio-fermented raw brown rice protein (30%)

If you enjoy a healthy lifestyle, ensuring you have enough protein plus prebiotics in your diet may help work towards optimal gut health. Gut health may be important for overall health, including nourishing the immune system and supporting healthy bacteria.


Active lifestyle

You’ll love: Sun Warrior Classic Protein

Non-GMO, gluten free, hypoallergenic, soy free, dairy free

Plant protein: raw sprouted whole grain brown rice protein

Perfect for those who love an active lifestyle and want to maintain their fitness and overall wellbeing. The protein is blended with easy to digest and absorb vitamins and minerals, that may help fuel a healthy and active lifestyle.



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